May the bailiff lend me borrowed things?

- in PlayStation

So I've been borrowing an LCD TV TV for 1 year from my brother, so listen to him, I just use it to play PS4.

I even had the purchase contract given to him. The TV is but just in my apartment, the bailiff may seize it?


If you can prove it belongs to him, he may not take it with him.


The GV will not seize the.


Have the sales contract with address and name of my brother. So if I'm the flagship he should not take? For sure?


Certainly? So if I show the purchase contract is the TV safe?


Do not worry, in 2011, the Administrative Court Giessen ruled in a landmark ruling that computers and the like may not be impounded, as these devices belong to the "humble lifestyle".

Your TV is so on the whole and so first off limits to the pledges.

However, if it is a very expensive model, a swap attachment can be an option, but since the TV does not belong to your possession, it can't be pledged.


Yes, I'm sure but they are as brutal on the way and he finds what, what he can take. He may even break your home.

So do away with all the good and ask if you can pay in installments or if you have no money ask if a deferment is possible.

Actually, then shares the with which you have nothing to seize.

Or you have to make the revelation.


Ok, because I've read somewhere that the bailiff always assumes that everything in the apartment is yours. And then it just takes or makes the cuckoo turn.

The TV has a value of 250 euro - 300 euro and is 7 years old, think that's not so interesting for him, is it?


Law and recent judgments prohibit the seizure of

a TV…


What does deferral mean? How does it work?


But I'm afraid that he wants to exchange it for a cheaper one. The TV has a value of 250 - 300 euro.


This means the payment will be postponed for a while