Gambler friend too clingy?

- in PlayStation

For some it will probably seem a little ridiculous, but now I'm just annoyed.

I'll start from the beginning. I joined a clan in December 2019 that mainly plays Rocket League and Call of Duty. A month or two later, another player added another player to the clan. I'm just going to call him Florian here.

It didn't take long and Flo and I got along really well, but it was definitely never in the game again. Except for friendly feelings, I feel nothing for him. I told him before. However, I think he feels a little more for me.

Whenever I come on, an invitation to a party comes a few seconds later. The next step is always the same. Namely, that he switches to the same game as me (without me asking). No matter whether he played a different game with 3, 4 others.

About a month ago I left the clan because of minor disputes and inactivity of the other players. Without hesitation, he also left the clan 2 minutes later, although there were still 2 or 3 people with whom he loved to play.

A lot of people then said that it was clear that Florian was chasing after. Of course I noticed that and it is super uncomfortable for me.

Then, shortly after we left the clan, he wrote to me via WhatsApp that I should have a look at my Playstation library. (we share our playsis). And then he actually bought me a game worth 90 euro that I wanted to buy anyway. I never asked him about it and that was also uncomfortable for me.

We then played the game together and then we said that we could play it in parallel until he had to work again. Then I would keep playing the game on my own and he would always play it after work. Now, however, he has let himself be put on sick leave (of course by chance). I have a feeling that he only did it so that he could continue playing the game with me.

It annoys me deeply and he becomes more and more attached. What can I do against it? How am I supposed to tell him that I'm uncomfortable that he's so attached to me? Even other people talk to me about it.

I'm sorry for the novel


Just tell him that you feel pressured by him. If you continue to accept that without comment, he won't change his behavior.

It might be enough to tell him you want to play some time alone.


I would tell him the honest opinion that he shouldn't postpone his whole life for you and this game. You could tell him that you need distance and that you should concentrate on yourself first, after all you will still play enough in your life together.


I kept hinting to him that it was too much. Thought he would check it out. Maybe you are right.


Just be honest that this is too much for you.

You feel uncomfortable because other people talk about it.

You don't have to break contact, but make it clear to him that he has to go back a gear because you feel pressured.

But make it nice so don't just write that you don't feel like it and then never report again.

It is best to tell him that you want to speak to him and then most of it will come by itself.


But how can I best tell him? I don't want to hurt him either. Do you have any tips?


Saying something like that won't do him any good, he wouldn't understand that. Unfortunately, you have to find a more radical solution. Blocking would make the most sense, even if he could create another account and find you again. Or you can create an account and continue playing with it.

It's almost stalking what he does.


I think it's really violent now. But I don't want to block him because I like to gamble with him. But not in this way


I would tell him that you have noticed for some time that he is becoming more affectionate and you could say that it might have happened to him subconsciously and that you do not mean it badly.


Okay thanks, that's exactly how I'm going to try!


Okay, that's a great way to teach him I think.


Then you have to hope that he understands it, otherwise he won't stop. Can't you play offline for a while?

Make a boyfriend. Say you're in contact with a nice boy. You have to be inventive if you don't want to say something directly. A white lie.


Sounds very interesting 🤔


And it works.

"wait a minute. Must write to my friend short" or something like that. He is not hurt there, just a little disappointed.