Display for goods fraud on Facebook?

- in PlayStation

Huhu, I have about 2.5 months ago on Facebook a Defective Ps4 for 35 euro sold by F & F. Today came the unsightly letter from the police - Display for fraud on Facebook. I sent the console via Hermes and then flew on vacation. However, I no longer have the receipt and the buyer has been angry because there probably no package arrived. My question is what should I do with the summons. I know I could have sent the money back to the buyer, but that would have been just as much a loss to me. Request for quick help.

to me, I'm 19 years young and currently doing an FSJ where I earn 330 euro, maybe that's important to mention.


You see, everything is explainable. First, do a search request at Hermes. What is bad and that is really bad that you've thrown away the mailing slip slip! You just do not do that until the thing is finished! Then you go to the police and discuss it exactly as it was and is. Also explain that you have already submitted a search request to Hermes. In case of doubt, you have to pay just the 35 EUR back to the, is not now the big loss. But you may have learned something from this for the future!


Thank you for your prompt reply! I've already been informed a bit and read that with such a sum of 35 euro a search request does not bring much because they are probably not very successful anyway, especially if the package was sent so long ago. Would the police get a better idea if I send the money back to the buyer and tell them at the summons that I sent it back?


This is not the first case with Hermes
Here is a person who has not received her packet for years.


Whether it is a loss for you, is irrelevant. You are obliged to deliver and have not done it, or can't prove it. In that respect, you carry the loss.


Yes, I would remit the money back to the buyer as soon as possible and apologize in writing to him. You can then explain everything to the police again. It is all traceable and not really your fault. Only that you can't prove it now because the slip is gone.


The police are obviously obliged to deliver such an ad. I'm assuming that the process is set but alone because of the unique amount of smut.

The other problem is civil, as it depends on which shipping method has been agreed.


Yes, the procedure will then be stopped, they have more important things to do. At least here in the Ruhr area are the busy with the Arab clans, there are such peanuts show if possible even not accepted.


This could be considered an admission of guilt that you betrayed him if you refunded him with the money.


Call Hermes and ask there time, if the system in the system can get the transmission number based on the address. If you have them, you can prove your story. In principle, all Hermes packages are insured - if they find it or not then you can't care.


Below he writes, he would have got it a few days later. Where do you see years?


No, he has to repay it anyway and if there's no chance on the part of Hermes, it is better to pay back immediately!


Not correct.


Why do you see that? I'm like many of you have said yes probably has the money to send back. So I can send it to him now to simplify the whole process.


First call Hermes and try to get the transmission number! Some call routinely at shipping companies to find out if a package is traveling to them. Since it's probably not completely impossible to get a broadcast number. In principle, the buyer is liable for loss on the way. Where the throwing away of the receipt was of course grossly negligent. Did you post online or maybe even via app?


Otherwise, a criminal trial that could possibly come if not already hired will only serve your punishment and not the repayment of the money. In order to get his money back he would have to sue you in civil cases in most cases. And that's expensive.

A repayment I personally would see as proof that the one wanted to cheat on me and never sent anything. The story with the discarded receipt sounds very much like an excuse. Maybe a judge will judge that as well. As a mitigating circumstance, I would not exactly see it if a scammer gets scared and returns the money only when it says he could be punished.

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