Why do I permanently have 36 kills after the game?

- in PlayStation

In the game call of duty bo4 for the ps4 I noticed recently, about 1 week ago, which always when I had completed a multiplayer game, the deployment report 36 ekia stood (what ekia means I know, thank you!). The problem is that I had not made 36 kills, but, for example, 50 or even 70th To try out if it really bugs, I then started a round in which I was 10 to 5. After the round, there were 36 kills again, although there were fewer (10) in the scoreboard. Personally, that annoys me very much, because I play very round in part, which are then not scored or rather said to be scored with 36 kills. The K / D is calculated with the deaths each. And if I have a round z. B. 75 to 28, which is actually quite ok, after the game, the result is 36 to 28 … How do I get rid of this problem?

(I do not want to contact the support because I'm only 17)


Call Of Duty does not know how old you are unless you have an activision account. I do not think you have to play to play. Just do not write down the questions as old as you are if you just lie or say your parents allow you to play. As far as I know it is allowed if the parents allow it.


If you registered as a 17-year-old, then you would not have been able to play the game at all. So if you have access, logically, you can also contact support without questioning you unnecessarily.


Thanks, but I'm looking for more answers that offer a solution and not what I already know, thanks anyway!