Must watch brother for 8 hours?

- in PlayStation

I'm 14 years old and because of Corona I currently have to take care of my 10 year old brothers and sometimes the dog 8 to 9 hours 2 to 3 days a week.

He is already 10, but I should also keep him busy so that he doesn't play PS4. So I occupy him for 2 to 3 hours, take care of breakfast, lunch, his homework and my homework. I also go for a walk with the dog twice and am still clearing out boxes and the like, since we recently moved.

All of this means that I have almost no time for myself.

In itself, that wouldn't be catastrophic either, I understand the situation because of my mother's Corona, but the first thing she does when she gets home is to complain about the things we did wrong (baking book and baking utensils (unused) lie in the kitchen, he wears stockings from the previous day etc.).

She doesn't thank me and when I ask her about it, admittedly a little irritated, it says that she "still has the whole evening" and "has only just got home" (2 hours since she's back).

I would only like it if she might come home and say Responded with "nice you tidied up the kitchen" "thank you for taking care of your brother". I really don't know how to tell her that because her reaction is always "you don't thank me for being working all day". Maybe someone has a tip on how I can rationally talk to her about it?


Or just do nothing more and say, if you do everything wrong anyway, you would rather be nothing.