Studio headphones for the Playstation 4?

- in PlayStation

I have a question. I want to build my own "headset" by using studio headphones and combining them with a microphone. I was thinking of taking the ModMic Wireless and taking some wireless studio headphones. Now the question is which would be best for the Ps4 and whether the Ps4 would recognize the headphones since the Ps4 does not recognize the Airpods.


Need a Bluetooth adapter because the ps4 has no Bluetooth which is why the AirPods don't work either.


The problem is "some wireless studio headphones" may be hard to find.


I meant a wireless studio headphone that also recognizes the ps4 and that is also relatively good


"I meant a wireless studio headphone" - Even if you mean one, and not just any: It will also be difficult to find. In studios you probably use wired headphones.

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