Strict parents convince to stop handball?

- in PlayStation

I (13) want to quit Hanball I have been doing it for about 5 months and I just don't enjoy it. The trainers are so unfriendly and don't like me the other girls don't talk to me because I'm the "new" one So they say something from time to time but they don't talk to me like that, I feel uncomfortable and unwelcome there and I can't play handball, I can't catch or throw well and I'm not a good runner, but it doesn't come to my father in question to quit sports partly because of my brother because he is a bit thicker and has to do sports so that he doesn't get too fat but if I don't do sports he doesn't want to either and I'm thin and I don't like handball and he makes bsketball yes he told me fun but he has no desire to go there so he will be driven but he has no desire to be disconnected from his PS4 … I have often talked to my mother about it but she said "without e sports is not good for you "she said that I should then look for something else but I don't want to do anything else I just want to stop with this hobby and nothing else but my father absolutely wants me to do sports but do it me just no fun zero! And he thinks I enjoy it… I don't dare to tell him that I want to quit and that I don't enjoy it because he won't understand it and it will end in an argument… Maybe you can help me with my problem I hope to help so much… Thanks in advance 🌸


So - the problem seems to be that on the one hand your father wants you to do sports, but on the other hand you don't like handball.

The solution is obvious: find a sport that you enjoy. There are so many different sports, there will be something for you for sure.

Anyway, you shouldn't just play handball just to make your father happy. You do the sport, it's your time, you should have a good time.


You are not in the mood for sports and you are thin.

You can't do any sport at all because your puberty is pulling you out. That has to be conveyed and understood.


Try to find a compromise, find a sport that you enjoy (table tennis, badminton), otherwise the parents will be upset.


You must not let anything force you. But I guess there will also be a reason why you want to do sports. Sport is very healthy.

If you have no desire and no talent for sport you should get into the habit of running 1-2 times a week.


Line up stupid to be kicked out.