What will today's young people tell their children / grandchildren later on?

- in PlayStation

Don't think much. Maybe like this: back then I had problems with my Playstation, with my mobile phone. Was 8 or 9 hours straight in front of the PC. Didn't have that many likes.

Not like us, were still outside in the fresh air… Met with real joys. I can say "had a wonderful, exciting childhood and youth!

Is not meant bad, unfortunately it is like that today.


"I survived the end of the world and a global pandemic";)

By the way, I'm also a teenager, but I used to be outside with friends, knocking on their doors to ask if they could play outside, was in the playground until dinner, etc. You shouldn't pigeonhole everyone


In this order?


Well, what can you say when you've been lying by the pond all summer? Yeah, used to swim. Move outside more. It's not the megastory either.


"At 35 I finally knew how contraception works and a little later I moved out of my parents' home and did my doctorate in gender studies."


"Doomsday" was in 2012


"I had to watch how the people, especially the youngsters, continued to go stupid while I was unable to do anything about it."


Oh yes, the good old end of the world in 2012; D

Remember when the subject was all the rage in school.


Wasn't my intention!


They can tell about what they did with their friends - on the playground, the soccer field, in the stadium, in the swimming pool, on vacation. You can tell what life was like back then between offline and online. You can tell about the worries about climate change before the climate change finally took place worldwide.