How much disabled am I with being forced to wash?

- in PlayStation

The Kommi is from a Kommi that KBV wrote. Too lazy to write again

I also have an obligation to wash and am just as unsatisfied with it as you are.

Well, for me it is just the case that I wash my feet or hands more often during the day. And in the evening it's much, much worse. I shower every day because otherwise I feel gross. I always have to disinfect my cell phone before I go to bed. Then when I go to my room I use socks that I only use from the bathroom to my room and then I throw them to the dirty laundry. And where I always gamble in the evening, everything has to be clean. I even clean my drinking with disinfectant too. I always wear things that I only have on this place and I have to wash these clothes myself because I don't know if someone is doing it with unwashed hands. For example, I always have to dry my clothes because I don't know how clean the laundry rack is. And then I put these clothes in a freshly cleaned laundry basket. And these things then come into one. Special closet. Or I can't have any school books on my desk where I'm gambling. I also always have a disinfectant at my desk so that I can use it to clean my hands and e.g. The controller. For example, I always have to wipe my room out when my father or brother goes into my room with their slippers, as these are very rarely cleaned. My mother is also forced to wash but not as bad as I'm. But my mom went into my room once and took away the PS4. After that, when I got the PS4 back, I had to clean the PS4 and the cables it was touching. At that time I cried because I just have this compulsion. Or when my mom has to call me downstairs, I always take off my clothes that I have on. And then I don't feel clean anymore and have to take a shower.


So in itself I would say that it is not a bad or harmful compulsion but if it bothers you a lot you can go to a psychologist, they really help a lot


Is it worse with you?


The terrible thing is that your mother evidently exemplified her compulsion to wash and you internalized it.

I would occasionally discuss this with my family doctor and consider whether short-term therapy would make sense.

Washing and hygiene are general. Nothing bad, especially in the pandemic, however, I feel that "disinfecting the cable that she has touched" with your own mother, i.e. With close relatives living in the household, is questionable, as it also has a psychological component. Does this also affect situations where your mother wants to hug you or give you something she packed or puts a plate of food on the table for you?

Washing feet during the day is very difficult and disabling, at the latest in professional life, since that is usually not possible there, unless you are a lifeguard or work in the operating room.

In general, I would be concerned about how this would affect my social life. How do father and brother find it when they are moped behind them? Do you therefore avoid visits to the room or even contact? How is it with friends? Why don't YOU just walk through your room with slippers, maybe with flip-flops that you can wash off with hot water or disinfect?

In general, I would think about which "constraints" hinder me in everyday life, e.g. Make social contacts or hobbies more difficult, and then try to alleviate these constraints or find workarounds (such as slippers that can be disinfected).


Oh, I don't have anything like that, I used to have a problem with biting my nails and my psychologist helped me a lot in getting rid of it. Does it bother you a lot?