Today's youth?

- in PlayStation

I wonder if there are still people out there who don't necessarily play day in and day out on the playstation or cell phone, who don't necessarily have to drink alcohol and also like to pick up a book and read it. People who like to go on adventures and just sit down in a field and just talk. Being able to put the phone away. Make sport.

I'm only 15 and still very young, but in my head I'm already very far and surpass most of the people around me, in my head I'm almost as far as my sister who, by the way, will be 19 in a few weeks and also in the head them further than those around them.

Experience has taught us a lot and I wonder if there are any out there like me. Because I just can't adapt to the people around me because I'm so different with them, I've tried but it doesn't work, nobody hates me, but my friends are different from me too, I just don't fit in the youth pure.

Lately I get up at 5 a.m. And usually go jogging at 5.30 a.m. I make breakfast and lunch for my family.

I feel so different and wonder if there are people like that out there? Is any of you like that too?


My friend (13) often gambles during the day (2-3 hours a day) but he gets up at 5 o'clock to jog and doesn't watch TV much, doesn't drink alcohol, etc.

I have another friend from my class… He's 12 and a bit "weird". He is only allowed to watch TV for 30 minutes a day and nothing else from electronics. He plays with Lego, …


What's going on with that?

What should you be doing in nature in winter and including lockdown.
Going out with a single friend doesn't feel like going out.

Then you prefer to sit at the PS4 and try to keep in touch with friends.

Sorry, but I don't have to and don't want to understand the alcohol.
You just bother to drink or smoke something with friends, what else should you do?

"Haha, nice weather today, don't you think?"

This is how I imagine your conversations with friends.

And don't overestimate yourself like that

I have one more question…

Have you ever had a girlfriend?


Day in and day out at the playstation or on the mobile phone, who don't necessarily have to drink alcohol and also like to pick up a book and read it.

I'll be 15 at the weekend and I don't play every day on my cell phone or other devices. Alcohol is one of them for me, but not that often. I read almost every day, unless I don't have time because I have to do things for school. So there are definitely people who, at least not completely, live according to this image.


I'm already 20, but 21 in a few days, but I'll still feel the same. My friends drink, party, sit on the cell phone, the "typical" teenage stuff. Sometimes I also play on the xbox or am not as extreme on the cell phone as others, I like reading, don't drink alcohol, don't like going to parties and that's why I'm sometimes poked at because it's so atypical at that age. I would like to go out into nature and take a walk, chat with my friends or go on a trip to the country and not just be in the city, or just be at home with a book in hand. But honestly, I hardly find any people who share that with me.

So no, you are not alone. There are such youngsters just fit, are they possibly less common? Or just don't show it so openly.

But in any case, stay the way you are and don't change or throw away your passions for someone.


I'm a girl


It also takes people like you who want to make something of themselves, while the others just want to do everything that everyone else is doing to "be there".

Better like you than part of the standard.


Have you ever had a boyfriend?
Although, ne is unfair

Girls have it much easier with that


Why do you have to attack them unnecessarily now?

She makes something of her life and cares about herself, so you don't have to sniff at anyone about it.


It's not a criticism, just my opinion on such people.

She also has an opinion about us "normal" young people, so I can do that too.


I think she's not just talking about lockdown specifically, but generally. And the question of whether she has ever had a boyfriend is not necessary, you probably want to conclude with the question that she is a prude, which doesn't have to be the case just because she lives and thinks differently than you


If I?

If I read the question to my friends, everyone would laugh at and criticize them.
I have never seen or discovered a 15 year old who thinks the way she does.


You're just confirming exactly what she means.


At 13 you really shouldn't drink alcohol.


What is she saying?


That's why you don't have to attack her like that. Just because you are in circles of friends who do not think and live that way or you are only surrounded by people who think exactly like you does not mean it is a reason to laugh at them or to approach them that way. Not all 15 year olds are like you. And that you would laugh at you only because you think differently than you say a lot about yourself. And why criticize? Only because she doesn't think and live like you right away, that's no reason to criticize her.


That you fit the cliché exactly.


Mimimi, and that's what I mean by the way.
She has no friends her age, she only has adult friends or internet friends like you.

She is being protected by you and someone else because she can't counteract herself.


Youngsters cliché? Sure, I'm a teenager. - makes sense somewhere.


If you read the question correctly you would have known that she has friends. Just because I'm older than her doesn't mean anything, I would have written just like that when I was only 15. Maybe she doesn't want to counter? There are also people who are not looking for a conflict. Why do you even say things about her that are wrong? You talk about her as if you know her personally, which I guess is not true. On the contrary, aös you I only suspect things and say things from which I have read.


That's true. But very many do it. They even smoke! Unfortunately unfortunately…