Do you know ps4 games suitable for mentally handicapped children siñd?

- in PlayStation

Because of fatal blows my mentally handicapped cousin moved in with us now and therefore I would like to buy her a game with which she also copes

I already crack and rayman legends


Buy her toy that she can attack with her hand. Like dolls or building blocks etc.


Ayy, it's going to be difficult on the PS4 …

For Nintendo consoles, that would be a lot easier, but the PS4 has mostly games for at least 16 years


I think that toys would be better to touch.


It should only be in between

In addition, we have 20 kg Lego and Playmobil in the basement, we now hell up everything


But it may well be that these console games - depending on the nature of the disability - can trigger difficult phases. For in between there are radio plays or picture books / picture books

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