First batch PS5 serial number?

- in PlayStation

My question is what is the serial number of the first generation PS5! Because of the teething troubles I'm interested in knowing if I got the newer batch as soon as my PS5 arrives. Kind regards

The diseases:

What does it say on your PS5?

First batch of PS5 serial number

I would have assumed that if the PS5 had teething troubles, they would only be eliminated in models that will appear in a few months. Because first of all the teething troubles have to be discovered… And that is not possible after a few days or weeks.


It's not like the manufacturer says "Well, now we've only released faulty models in the last few weeks and can now start to deliver the faultless ones".

You can assume that the first batch has also been adequately tested and only then has been put on the market.

Of course, teething troubles can develop from this, but these will probably only be noticed after a longer period of use.

If you want to be reasonably sure, get the PS5 in 1-2 years.



I want the new console and have already sold my PS4.