PS4 Pro graphics error?

- in PlayStation

Hi, I turned on my Ps4 Pro this morning and noticed there are weird purple stripes in the textures. It's not because of the TV and I've already switched all the necessary cables to other connections. I have already tried all possible graphics resolutions in safety mode and have also checked for necessary updates. I'm getting really desperate and wanted to ask what I can do before I send my Ps4 Pro in for repairs or buy a new one. I have included a picture of GTA5 as an example, because you can see the stripes on the walls and the ceiling quite well. But these errors are not only present in games but also in the Playstation menu. Also in applications like YouTube etc.

L.G. Philip

PS4 Pro graphics error

Have you changed all of the cables?


Swap HDMI cables and try another TV, but such stripes are an indication of a defective graphics unit or defective memory