Motivation to go out again?

- in PlayStation

I wanted to ask because I have a few pounds too much and I'm very busy with the topic of losing weight because I just don't feel good anymore what to do! But then there's the thought again. Yes, I'll do it tomorrow, I'll go out jogging, but then it will never come to anything because I just don't have any motivation to go out = \ I was the one we moved and it was when I gave my dog away And since then I often only sit at home on the PS4 / PC or mobile phone!

I hope that someone here can give me tips so that I can get more fresh air again


Do it in the morning. Get up, put on your sports gear and go outside. Don't give yourself time to think about it. If you have absolutely no motivation, you can also think of a reward for afterwards. For example, if you enjoy reading, tell yourself you can't read a new chapter until you've been out for a jog.

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