Does Paluten still stream regularly on Twitch?

- in Twitch

I wonder if Paluten still streams regularly. On Twitch, I can see that he last streamed in mid-December. However, videos are still regularly posted on his team, Paluten Kanal. Is he still streaming and if so, why isn't Twitch showing it?


Kp. He has actually not streamed in 3 weeks, no idea why.

Maybe because of Christmas and New Years. I don't remember saying anything about a break.


I think it's a bit too much for him with all the Youtube, Merch, Book and streaming. I think he's taking a break.


The videos he uploads to his stream channel are classic normal videos like those of his main channel. Surely he needs a break from all the streaming and takes care of the regular videos or other things. That's why I would just say wait and see and drink tea. XD.