Trapped in the job forever?

- in Twitch

I'm 22, I'm now in training, I'm already noticing something that I said to the job center beforehand. I don't get along with hierarchies. I just don't accept a boss. I've just been doing what I want there since the end of the probationary period. The main thing is that nobody is annoying.

Before that, I was also self-employed for some time. However, I realized that I don't want to act as "Alpha" or "Leader" either. I have no desire to have people under me or to commit to you.

My dream would simply be to live what comes to my mind creatively. Youtuber, twitcher, blogger, musician… Somehow something like that. I've tried all of them and it's fun.

Only life forces you to make money. If you try to go your way, everyone will talk you through. "Be social, go work". "We all have to go through".

For me, that's just sacrificing behavior from an early age. Every day I think more and more to myself, "I should just ignore everyone and go through with it". This urge has always been there and never stopped.

To break off an apprenticeship after 7 months would also be stupid. Mainly because I was able to shorten it to two years.

I just already know: Afterwards I want to become a musician and get people to think. Maybe change something in Germany. The reasoning and logic in this country are so often completely pointless.

Even if that were "just" a few young people I could influence - positively.

How and what comes after. I don't know, but I just can't "do anything" anymore. The main thing is that every other sheep in this system doesn't get mad at me.

So after my apprenticeship, my workforce will definitely be over for me. At least for a long time.

How can you ever be successful if you never risk it and break free from all shackles?

Because let's be honest. The people who are Really successful… They always do something different from what society wants.

They don't fear it if some employer doesn't want them later. All or nothing.

Do you know that? I get more and more frustrated with this normal work system every day. It just does not work…


Nobody is forcing you to go to work.


The people who are Really successful don't rest on Hartz IV either - they work for their dream.


But you also have to Hartzen sometimes to be able to do something. How else are you going to break something when you throw away 40+ hours a week. Realistically, you can hardly build anything up in the extra hours. The chances are just much, much, much, much, much smaller. I know from my own experience.

You have to be fully involved. This is only possible if you resent, if your project doesn't throw off anything yet. Not everything always throws something off. That's the problem.


And why should I be ashamed? I live far below my means. I don't mean a job in the system. I earned more. Everyone has that. Just not everyone takes what is due to him.

I'm trying. If it doesn't work out, I'll just die a failed one. I'm not the first and not the last. At least I tried. This is worth more to me than the current and normal standard life…


You are only 22. Your life is just beginning. When you are 50, work becomes more difficult.


But you're pretty much staging yourself as a martyr. This is not meant badly, but maybe you should seek psychological help.


Definitely not. I'm working. And I didn't get anything for free.

Better learn to respect older people!


I didn't mean you at all, I meant the questioner. Maybe first read more carefully before you think you have to teach me about respect here. And how do you know that I'm younger than you?


Not adapted to the majority → Should seek psychological "help".

Pure nonsense again.


It's just strange that the really successful people see it differently…

Lazy people always find a justification for doing nothing.

In any case, you will be unsuccessful. 🤷


There are such and such. I bet the majority was also a "parasite" at one point or another.

Zuckerberg was a registered student - alibi at least moderately.

Almost every rapper - whether in German or English, has hardly ever worked properly and only lived on the support. Antisocial? Might be. But they still reached more than 90% of all people - and in a great way.

Justin Bieber? Has never been to work - I even doubt that he still participated in school after the success.

With your answer, you pretend that the majority of these people did not cheat their way through or even live or have lived openly against the system…


These are the couple you know. And that you don't even know if it was like that at all.

You don't want to see all those who have failed. Typical for permanently unsuccessful people… 🤷


What did you actually want to achieve with your question? That someone conjures up a golden master plan for your life? Or are you looking for recognition or understanding for your crude views? Maybe then you could be "helped" better.


There are failed in both ways. But you always have to look at the individual case. Gone too early? But not so much wanted? Suffered blows of fate?


Nope, I don't know. I'm happy with my job. But you are free to make an artist. To each his own. As long as you are not constantly on the other hand, that's okay.


You could have done something by now - but you can't get out of the quark. 🤷 In this way, you are just lazy - and therefore unsuccessful for good reason.