(Youtube) network also equal (Twitch) network?

- in Twitch

A network like "tubeone" gives you some support for youtube.

does such a network also provide the same support for twitch?

A very important help for me would be to take care of legal disputes.

can one then specify the imprint of the network on twitch?


As far as I know No 😂


A network supports the artist. Regardless of which platform he is on. You must always provide an imprint when you use YouTube / Twitch commercially.


That's how I understand it, if you're an influencer with twitch (think by definition).

that I must specify an imprint is clear to me. The question was whether I can also specify the twitch on the network. As on youtube.

but I think the question has been resolved, right?


Yes, you can specify it like on YouTube.