Pay with PayPal without a credit card?

- in Twitch
Pay with PayPal without a credit card

Hello, I urgently need your help and it concerns the following problem:

If I want to pay with PayPal on Twitch, I have to enter my credit card information, even though I have indicated that my preferred payment method is PayPal. Unfortunately I don't have a credit card and so I can't pay. I have 30 CHF credit on PayPal and my bank account is already confirmed. So why do I have to enter my credit card information anyway? There's no way to choose anything else.


"So why do I have to enter the credit card information anyway?"

If Paypal decides depending on creditworthiness or if that is e.g. Recurring payments are made to ensure that you can always pay. If PP requests the card, then there's nothing else you can do


Very easily:

PayPal wants you to add a credit card; They are doing this more and more recently to ensure payments and to filter out minors who have illegally registered there with a falsified date of birth.

So you should get yourself a credit card, which is really no longer a problem these days.

And before you ask:

No, without adding a credit card you will no longer be able to use PayPal.
No, PayPal doesn't ask everyone for a credit card; but if PayPal requires it, then it is and can't be changed.

And if you should be a minor or were a minor when creating the account - which of course I personally do not believe - then this is the beginning of the end of your PayPal account, which in this case will shortly be permanently blocked; You as a person too, by the way.


1.) Are you of legal age?

2.) Were you of legal age when you created the PayPal account?

3.) Have you entered correct data in your PayPal account, especially correct date of birth?

The credit card requirement is a PayPal security measure…

to ensure payment
to filter out minors who have faked an illegal PayPal account with a fake date of birth. They will then be banned forever.


Paypal wants to make sure that everything is in order with your account and therefore basically insists that a credit card is on file even if you pay in another way because.


Okay, thank you for the quick answer. Now I know that I still need a credit card, which is a shame because I still have to do it.


No, I'm not of legal age at the moment and cheated on my date of birth. But how are you supposed to find out? I'll try to add a credit card shortly.


How do you want to "make" a credit card as a minor?

Better get used to a life without PayPal, they are not stupid in this regard.


It was clear that you are such an underage data forger ;-)
And now they got you - good thing!
Of course PayPal will find out your fake! Paypal is a bank; they are not stupid!
You can't get a real credit card as a minor and a prepaid credit card is of no use when it comes to verifying your data.

Say goodbye to your illegal PayPal account and your credit.
How stupid to have funds in an illegal account! Did you think that you can just lie and betray a bank like that with no consequences?

Since the data in the PayPal account does not completely match your identity card, you can't prove that it is YOUR account and YOUR money.


This is possible in Switzerland. You only have to have a certain amount of assets in the account.


That doesn't change the fact that PayPal will find out your underage and that's it for you.

But do it.


I also realize it was stupid. I withdraw my money from the PayPal account to my bank account and that's it. Also, I just wanted to support my favorite streamer.


Then hope and pray that it still works and that PayPal has not already restricted your account…
You can write if it worked.


I hope you don't support Monte.


Why are you so happy Do you have anything against minors? I can understand that I entered the wrong date of birth, is that that bad?! Well you have to know yourself


No, he already has enough money. I support a little streamer that I've known for a long time.


I have absolutely nothing against minors, why should I?

I only have something against supposedly smart people who believe they can break all the rules and fool others.

And then it doesn't matter to me in the slightest whether the person is a minor or not.


You too, my dear. Subject completed.


They can find out by asking you for ID or a credit card


Everything worked out, the money arrived.