Tax Paying at Twitch Donations?

- in Twitch

I'm a very, very small streamer on Twitch, i.e. 0-3 viewers, but I have already activated the donation function. (I'm already 18).
So I asked myself, what if I get a donation, do I have to have it taxed at the end of the month / year, or is this not necessary for me because I'm below the income limit.

(I start my apprenticeship first this summer, where we will get my salary well)

Do I have to worry somehow now if a donation comes in, or is that harmless?

And how should I proceed if I had to have it taxed?

I ask for serious answers, as this is very important to me, thank you.


I think that a Doni aif twitch counts as a gift, so it doesn't have to be taxed, but I didn't show it to subs and cheers


That depends on the amount of your donation and yes you have to pay taxes on them. You do that in your tax return


I think as long as you are under income tax you don't have to pay otherwise yes. In a pinch, see if you can get a tax advisor. Of course he knows that


Of course, the income you get from working as a streamer is taxable. The so-called donos or "donations" are not tax-exempt donations! On the contrary… Streamers basically pursue a commercial activity. The income is part of the income from business operations and must be declared in the tax return. So if you should generate income from streaming, please register your business with the municipality in good time. From a certain limit (small business owners), the income can also be subject to sales tax. That means you have to pay 19% VAT to the tax office. But that shouldn't matter in your case, as small business rule. If the stream grows and there's more income, please seek help from a tax advisor or similar in good time.


The donations are not donations that are tax-privileged. It is not a non-profit organization or the like. These donations are income that has to be taxed.