Friend wants to become a streamer / YouTuber?

- in Twitch

There's a problem with my boyfriend. I'm 22 (student) and he will be 30 this year. He has been unemployed for a year and has been trying to gain reach on Twitch for almost a year. He spent a lot of time streaming, he even did 2x 24-hour streams… My problem is not that he wants to make it his job, but that he spends too much time on it and nothing comes of it (he has no other Job laundering or plan B). It is by no means a bore, but the opposite. He talks a lot, responds to the audience and has moments from time to time where he gets freaked out or bursts of laughter (not played). Sometimes he also streams with other streamers (which are of similar size). He always wins followers. Unfortunately, the number of viewers does not increase. He has around 800 followers but the number of viewers is usually 5-10. I support his dream, but at the same time I'm also worried because he tries very hard to do it and still nothing comes of it. Frankly, I would prefer him to find a decent job and continue to do it as a hobby with streaming (and maybe with Glüch it would work out someday). Unfortunately, he does the opposite. He's investing too much time and effort in there.

What do you all mean?


He should rather do an apprenticeship.

nobody can tell him whether he will be successful and will stay


Haha sorry but I find it kind of funny. We can't help you there either, you have to tell your friend and you can't force him to either


Don't tell us, but your friend. What we think of it doesn't matter whether your friend's success or not.


I've already told him that, but I would like to hear other opinions…


Maybe he could start studying in a similar field? Media management etc? I would sit down with him and discuss the whole thing calmly and with a lot of empathy, maybe you will find something "more tangible" for him that would also interest him!

Wish you all the best of luck, with a little patience and without pressure hopefully something can be found there:-)


He should definitely do an apprenticeship, because if the spectators fail to appear, he is standing on the street with nothing…

And the time will come…

What do people find about 24-hour streams? Is it nice to watch someone fall asleep in front of the cam?

I'd rather be awake and tell sensible stuff, then listen more…


I don't think he's going to find anything at 30 that's up to his standards… I'm going to call that a "lazy dog" who lives at state expense…


At whose expense does he live?


Unemployment benefit


So at the expense of the state. Is not necessarily sparkling, especially since his chances of success as a streamer are slim. I think your suggestion is good. He should look for a real job and try his luck while streaming as a hobby.


Who knows if he is interested in the media. There have been many interesting courses in this area in recent years, maybe something can still be found for him. As is well known, trying is about studying, or in the case rather the other way round ^^