First a new console or TV?

- in Xbox

What should I buy?

I have an Xbox One X and a 4K TV. The console can unfortunately not fully exhaust some things like HDR, 120 fps, freesync, VRR, Dolby Vision because the television can't.

So, now we're pretty hot about the new Xbox, which is the ultimate in consoles, but you don't just need the Xbox but also a corresponding TV with HDMI 2.1, VRR, HDR, etc. Then that's what the console can really do visible without compromise.

The prices are around 500-600 euro for the new Xbox and around 1000 euro for the televisions that have pretty much everything technical so that the broadcast image of the Xbox is fully reproduced.

Now the question is, what is more sensible to buy first? I have the previous Xbox One X and a TV that is solala, but I want the new one.
Is then just depending on the order…

Either I can't get the full picture out of what I want but I have the new Xbox or I can get everything out with the previously released Xbox One X through a very good TV

* Most of the games are available on both consoles.

What do you think, which order or path should one take here?

Asks questions if something is incomprehensible somewhere


1. Forget Xbox

2. First buy a new television

3. Wait until the PS5 is available again at a normal price and then buy it

Honestly, take the PS5, if only because of the exclusive games!


He doesn't have to get ps5 just because of the exclusive games want to probably say that Xbox sucks but it is not


Man of honor


Phew! I would buy a new TV first. However, it depends on the availability of the xbox, because when it comes out it is probably only available for a very short time and then for a time not as with the PS5 …


But it doesn't have a VRR.

It didn't get off to a great start anyway. Lots of problems and Sony's big recall. Had a PS4 Slim wasn't mine. Switching to xbox was the best


Pooh! Yes… The question is not that easy.

👍🏻 For the answer!


The PlayStation hype is only so clearly visible in Germany. Nothing beats the Xbox in the US. Is always different. (Maybe they're not that crazy after all…)


If you have the chance to buy the console for the normal price you should buy it


As I informed myself, this whole delay story is only due to Corona. That is why the prices of the consoles are so abnormally expensive that they lose the price ratio to gaming PCs. Yes, that's one of the main reasons to choose a console, because of the price. At the time of release they were at 499 euro but unfortunately that was not broken when there was a lot of demand and almost not a single offer. You have to wait, and there's currently not the amount of games especially for the new ones that you want. You won't miss a lot, more games, games get cheaper and so does the console


If so, then the new console. You can at least play 4k with hmdi 2.0, just not 120fps.

The 120hz don't bring you that much on the console either. The games must first be made for it.

Even some shooters from the 360 don't support 120fps.

Then the console first and then the TV


Overpriced on ebay is normal. You are still lucky as a Konsoleros. The grakas are extremely expensive. My 3070 cost 400 euro above the uvp and that officially on Amazon


Yes, the Xbox One X can do 4K too

4K is not the problem


The Xbox has been out for last year


But 4k is not 4k.

I can also play with a bad graphics card in 4k on low. It will be difficult to play at ultra and at best with 60fps.

Why do you think I hardly play on my console since I have a PC?

Settings are not really set high and with many games you only have 30fps. That's really bad.

I'm just comparing rocket league on the one s and my PC.

On one s you have 720p with a maximum of medium settings and about 30fps.

Do you know how noticeable this is when you play 2k ultra at 144fps on your PC?

60 fps are more important than 4k. From 2k you don't see a big difference as a loan anyway. A bit, but it's not worth mentioning


I'm talking about real native 4K and no Full HD upgrading, i.e. Upscalling.


I know. I'm not talking about upscaling either. I'm talking about the settings of the textures and such.

With upscaling, the resolution is brought to a higher level.

The textures look much better and softer on the Series X in 4k than on the one x.

In the end you have to know, but think it's stupid to buy the TV first. You already have a 4k TV. For that reason alone, it wouldn't be worth it.

If you had a 1080p TV then okay, but you already have 4k.

Play with 60fps first.

120fps for shooters on console is totally overrated anyway, because the TV is slow


I think that 4K does not work at 60 Fps, I have to take a look. The Xbox sends 4K at 30 Fps and in some games you can switch to Full HD at 60 Hz


But the Series X can do it, at least to a limited extent. Not even a high end pc can create new games at 4k ultra with 60fps.

I already have problems with cyberpunk with my 3070 to keep 2k ultra at 50fps. With the flight simulator, I sometimes only manage 30fps in cities


I got the 5700 for 450 in the summer now it costs 1500 …


It's really exaggerated. You can see how people are vying for money.

After all, it's only so extreme because of the miners.

Well, corona is partly to blame


Yes, haha, especially the miners don't even need the graphics output but only the computing power


Hope with the solution from nvidia it will be easier


I only got the 3070 because the 3080 was too expensive.

I actually wanted to buy a 3070ti at Start, but then I saw the prices and how quickly they climbed…


I checked.

my tv can be 4K 60 fps.

The series X can be Full HD or even QHD in 120fps and 4K UHD in 60 fps


A really good PC can also manage 4K at 120 fps or even a few more. But that's true, this is rare and rather something for quarantine pro gamers


Read my comment on my other question, hopefully you can help me…

at least in my comment it is about what I should rather prefer TV or console. There are some things that are clearer and more precise after I asked further.

Would be very grateful!


I'm still a pro console.

Your TV already has 60fps. That's good to play with. As I said yes, not many games currently support 120hz anyway because they just don't make it or are not optimized for console.

I think it's exaggerated to buy a new TV for this. You can use the console well with your TV, but you can't use the new TV better with the one x. Will make no difference to the other TV.

With the console, however, you clearly have a bigger difference in performance.