Do you need internet for Watch Dogs 2 on Xbox One?

- in Xbox

Hello and I wanted to get watch dogs 2 for the Xbox one problem is I don't have internet at home and don't know if you need internet for the game so I just want to play offline so that I can play the main missions, drive a car and that's all I need and want to buy it on disk but don't know if you need to download it or use the internet

I'm grateful for every answer


So if you want to install game you need internet. Even if you have the game on disc, you still have to download something, as the disc version was always the time of publication. However, you will most likely not be able to play the game without the update. You probably don't need the internet to play the game (single player). Unfortunately, I can't test it because I uninstalled the game.


So theoretically I don't even have to buy the game


If you don't have internet to install it, no.


Yes I think so