Where does the nausea in video games come from?

- in Xbox

I noticed that I just can't play video games. After 30 minutes at the latest I really feel sick at every game. I always have to stop immediately and lie down, because dizziness is added as well. The worst thing about Minecraft is that I play 5 minutes and I feel so bad that I had to vomit twice.

Since then, I've stopped playing anything, a shame about all the games and the xbox I recently bought.

Does anyone have similar problems? Maybe someone here knows why this is and how you could turn off something like that. Could it be synonymous to the picture setting?


Can be due to many things. Screen settings certainly have an impact but also the distance to the monitor is a factor.

In addition to these things, but it depends on you, I mean some people, for example. For 3D movies bad.

Have you tried different genres? I used to have a similar problem with games from the first person perspective and even in very hectic games. Sometimes I had headaches and nausea very quickly. It was better in 3rd person games and play from a bird's eye view.

I do not know how old you are or how long you've been playing video games but with me these symptoms have diminished over time.


Simple motion sickness that usually shows up in VR games or better known as motion sickness.

But there are also enough people who already get something in simple 3D games and there are some methods that you can apply there before you resort to medication.

No fast movements
Ginger should help
revolving chair
fixed point
Closer to the screen
Getting used to it
Reduce latency from the screen, the only thing I now think of screen settings.


That's called motion sickness.

It's something akin to seasickness or a motion sickness. What your eyes register (movement / standstill) does not match what your body does. In the game you run z. B. Around a corner and in fact you're sitting on a chair at home.


Yes, ginger should help. Have you ever tried this or do you know someone who really helped?


When I bought a VR glasses, I have resorted to this tip because it is often recommended. Has helped so far so well but have tried it only in this situation, later you get used to it.

If I read in the car for a long time I also like to get sick, because I have never tried it, basically logical since you do not even have the same in the car / bus ginger there.