Why can't I play with Unitymedia 150k cable?

- in Xbox

I just don't understand why it is currently impossible to play smart with my 150k cable Bw line from Unitymedia / Vodafone, so to play games like Warzone or Fortnite with my Xbox. I have a 3-digit ping every few seconds and often packet loss. There are phases where I have hardly any problems for 2-3 weeks, then it is impossible again. I play on Wi-Fi but I'm pretty sure that the problems have little / nothing to do with it, because firstly I play very close to the router and it also occurs when only the Xbox is in the WLAN.

does anyone have an idea why this is so?


I play over Wi-Fi but I'm pretty sure that the problems have little / nothing to do with

To believe is not to know.

Most of the time the Wi-Fi is the problem because WLAN is a radio connection that can easily be disturbed. It is sufficient that the neighbor (example) also uses Wi-Fi to disrupt your Wi-Fi connections. Best replace the Wi-Fi connection with a Lan cable. Then you won't get any connection problems like with Wi-Fi. The connection is more stable, more secure and, above all, faster.

Wi-Fi is not suitable for continuous streaming.


Ok, but I have for example at Disney plus 0 problems to stream in high resolution…


This is due to the router. If you have the Vodafone station or a similar device (Horizon). It is a known problem. There are tons of complaints about this problem that the ping hits the ceiling for short intervals. Only a restart helps. Unfortunately, there's no satisfactory solution. A Fritzbox can help there.

PS: Even with a LAN connection you will have the same problems


Ok… Because on the cell phone the 150k even gets 155mbps


If the hops online have good pings across the board yes, otherwise no.




Yes. The problem is not that the speed doesn't matter. The connection breaks for seconds. Not measurable in connection tests, but this leads to short misfires when gaming.


Yes, I also have the Vodafone station


On the internet you connect from server to server. These points are called hops on the internet. Because you "jump" from point to point to get a connection to the goal. It is wrong to assume that if you connect on the Internet, you will establish a single connection to your destination. The distances are too great for that. You can think of it like a fence with posts in between.


These are paid measurements from Vodafone, which you can't trust.


Wi-Fi is unsuitable for gaming because everything happens in real time. The problem is also that your opponents have a hundredth of a second more time to react, that could be the decisive ball. You don't have the problems with the stream because a certain part is downloaded locally, which is then played.
Play best wired and use port 1 on the Vodafone station, because I can still remember that this port is connected to the strongest performance. With the Fritzbox you could set each port how much power should have which.


To gamble over Wi-Fi? There you have your answer.

It has nothing to do with the speed. You only have packet loss if the line is poor (quality). WLAN is known for bad transmission signals. Especially when there are enough sources of interference (neighbors who also have Wi-Fi, power lines, microwave ovens, etc.)


You have a thought error… Just because e.g. Your bugatti shiron 400 clothes are running, doesn't mean that you can blow them from Frankfurt to Cologne in three quarters of an hour (300 km)

it also always depends on how free the highway is. And whether you might have to stop on the way and ask for directions.


In the case of video streaming, the intermediate high ping is not noticeable since the video is buffered (is preloaded). Packet loss is also ignored during streaming because it is only a few pixels in a frame, this is not noticeable.

To exclude the WLAN connect the xbox with the LAN cable.


We currently have Corona. Networks are overloaded.

The network in Germany is 25th behind

Thank you to Telecom. A state company.

I live in Denmark. The state supplies each Dor with fiber.

The German network collapses in the Corona crisis.

One reason to get the German network going again.

Every Dane has fiber optics. Selcbst ei 3 Haud village.

You have all the options. Letter against the Federal Government, Minister of State.

Who keeps you from writing a protest?

We have the internet.

Nobody is stopping you.

Just do it.