Why count updates to the memory of my Xbox?

- in Xbox

Hi what should I do my old Xbox with 500 gigabytes has never counted the updates sometimes come with some games in the memory. Now I have a new Xbox and since then the updates are always counted why is that now so my memory is getting fuller. It did not work that way in the old days.


Then your old Xbox NEN ad would have errors or it was a mistake on your part.

Because where else should the updates be saved if not on a record?

It could of course be that the old Xbox additionally had some memory that was used for update.

But I'll guess that you just did not notice.

The updates earlier were simply smaller than for games today. As a ne GB will not notice here and there. But if you play today, you'll get an update of 16GB or so. Dan is more likely to notice that.

How much memory does the new xBox have?


1 tb


As already answered is probably an error of the display or the user. It's not meant to be mean.

Of course, the updates are saved to the disk. In most cases, the normal game data will only be overwritten, but under certain circumstances the memory data will also grow.

Which Xbox do you mean when you say "my old Xbox"?