Can the teacher take something away from me and only give it back to me at the end of the year or several years later, or is that forbidden?

- in Nintendo

In fact, back then in elementary school, I think I was 3 years old (don't remember exactly) my Nintendo was taken away. From my teacher because I played with it on break and someone said that. As I said, the teacher took away my Nintendo and I swear to you. I only got that thing, I think 2 or 3 years later, when I had to move with my parents and go to a new school. If I hadn't moved with my parents, I wouldn't have got the Nintendo again until I was 10 years old.

and now I want to know if a teacher is even allowed to do that. So I know that when a student plays on the cell phone, for example, the cell phone is taken away from the teacher. And he gets it back at the end of the school day or at the end of the lesson or not?




That's not legally allowed, so she has to return it to you after school on that day (but I think this decision was only made 5 years ago)


Brother how do you suddenly get this thought so randomly, but they should give it back to you as soon as possible


Brother it just occurred to me


No, of course not, how can you put up with something like that?


I thought I wasn't even 10 at the time and didn't know all the school laws or what a teacher should and shouldn't do. Besides, the teacher always had a hatred of me and of many other children too


But haven't you missed your Nintendo i how?


But she didn't give it back to me, my parents couldn't do anything




My parents couldn't do anything about it either

I guess you expressed yourself a little wrong! It would have to be formulated correctly as follows:

My parents talked to the teacher, but she refused. After that you were at your wits end

Talk to the director if that doesn't help. Criminal charges for theft against both of them would have been the right solution!


No, she should have given it back after class. But if nobody complains, something like that comes out.


Such a decision does not exist.


Prosecution for theft

The principal has now done nothing at all, and the teacher lacked the will to approve.


Well, the teacher can remove the part if it disrupts the class. Doesn't apply at all during the break! So she unlawfully removed it, unless the school rules state that it may not be used during the break (which I can't imagine, but I don't have to decide in the highest court)! And yes, the director didn't do anything! If, as I believe, this is legally relevant, calls itself a breach of duty of supervision! And that means punishing him too! Can lead to dismissal!

Well, and the intention of appropriation is a little problematic: So the appropriation actually took place, the question of expropriation still remains. What if the teacher had a fatal accident on the way home on the day of acquisition? This means that the owner is permanently forced out of his economic position, whether the teacher wanted it or not! And then there's the question of illegal appropriation. That is probably given in the playground. And in my opinion she has to give the part back to the parents. If the teacher is conspicuous in any other way, I would definitely call on a lawyer! I can't imagine that the teacher can do this with impunity!

And yes, Dioebstahl is actually not! But I can never imagine that she will get out of it with impunity when the parents go to the director!


Oh yeah, and being right to extremes can be the greatest injustice!


So we have a cell phone ban during the school day in almost all school regulations.

You should leave the church in the village. There's simply no evidence of theft. Apparently the thing wasn't important either.


Cell phone ban?

To which school do you go? Nursery? Sentence with China:

Lesn miast mr china

the question is:

taken away my nintendo.

Just ask Uncle Wikipedia what that is:

Can the teacher take something away from me and only give it back to me at the end of the year or several years later, or is that forbidden


Funny story on the theme of cell phones. Sounds kind of English. Well, and there I was in the phone shop in Florida in March and asked one of the two pretty young saleswomen if I could buy an American SIM card for my cell phone. They both looked kind of scared! It occurred to me that an English teacher once said to me that mobile phone means something completely different in English. The English term is "mobile". Well, somehow I was happy that I didn't get a slap in the face, I apologized diligently, explained to them that we would call it that in the German-speaking area, and the term cell phone was probably what we call a "false friend" in German call. Then they had to laugh heartily!


Law is law, whether something like cell phones or Nintendos are not important to you is completely unimportant at the moment, it is forbidden to take away the property for such a long time


So I think that she would be punished if you pull it off. But it's actually not theft, because you would have to prove to her that she actually wanted to remove it from your area of disposal forever. Unod, if she wanted to give that back after twenty years, it wouldn't be theft. Think the offense is simply called differently, and the penalty is slightly less. And I think that the parents can't refuse to hand them over. I would just go to the lawyer who then knows what to do. And then I would be like the kiwis; pull hard.


Of course, what are you talking about


Then prove it. That's nonsense.


At the end of the day a teacher has to return the property that has been taken away, nothing about that is nonsense


Repetition doesn't make the nonsense any less nonsense. Just prove it.


With cheese?


Yes, and that also applies to the thing.


Who said otherwise?




So you have no proof of the bump. Wasn't to be expected otherwise.




I just looked up and I'm right🤷🏽♂️ Take a look for yourself and give me a source that claims the opposite




In Germany everything is still allowed that is not prohibited. You would have to prove as your ban. You just can't.






In your comment


Hömma girl, even with yelling you don't hide the fact that you have no evidence.


No I did not. But you are welcome to quote the relevant passage.


From what


I'm a boy and I don't see it as evidence of something that should actually be known. Call me someone who proves the opposite


The place where, according to you, I say the teacher should have kept this thing for so long.


I don't care what you are Most of all, you are completely ignorant.

In Germany everything is still allowed that is not prohibited. You would have to prove as your ban. You just can't.


'There's simply no evidence of theft. Apparently the thing wasn't important either. "


If you don't care then don't speak of a gender.

Even if you repeat your statement it doesn't make it any more believable. Find out before you spread rubbish, I saw the first hit when I searched the Internet that what I said was confirmed


That it's not theft doesn't mean she got to keep it. But if even that is too complex for you, it explains a lot.


You started the sex thing.

Uihhh, then just link your hit. So far you've just been claiming nonsense.


here you have your link satisfied


Hit me hard now


You obviously didn't understand that the link disproves you. Read again.


I can't help it.


The sense of the cell phone ban is that the things do not disrupt the class and that no things harmful to young people are exchanged or that this is made more difficult. There's no danger from a game console!

And so a Nintendo is not a smartphone!



did you write that the teacher was allowed to do that! And here:

did you claim a game console is a smartphone

And here:

Section 4, Paragraph 4 states that the removed items must be returned at the end of the class!


Did you write that the teacher was allowed to do that!

No I did not.

did you claim a game console is a smartphone


Section 4 (4) states that the objects that have been removed must be returned at the end of the class

Who is interested in a federal law? Schools are a matter of the state.


No I did not.

You have here:

written that such a decision does not exist, so the teacher can keep the part. In any case, that is the logical conclusion from your assertion if you refer to the statement

she has to give it back to you on the day after school

contradict in the answer with your comment! And you definitely did! You also can't judge whether some director has already decided otherwise, or whether disciplinary proceedings have been initiated because of something like that. I think you mean by that that there's still no decision of the highest judge.

If the school rules state that smartphones are forbidden and you deduce from it

then it equates, because if it says a smartphone or a cell phone, then it doesn't mean a game console. Because: A game console is not a smartphone or a mobile phone, and so it does not apply to game consoles or you equate it. No matter how, the fault is clearly yours! You can continue to engrave Bible pages on hair with your quibble (this is an increase in hair-splitting), but you are wrong here too!

Who is interested in a federal law? Schools are a matter of the state.

Schools yes, but the penal code is a federal matter! In the Bavarian constitution there's also the death penalty, but since federal law breaks state law, what the federal government says applies here, and therefore there's no death penalty in Bavaria either!

Nice try!


Written that such a decision does not exist, so the teacher can keep the part. In any case, that is the logical conclusion from your assertion if you refer to the statement

No, that is by no means the logical conclusion.

contradict in the answer with your comment! And you definitely did!

Yes i did. Conversely, the fact that she does not necessarily have to return it on the same day does not mean that she can keep it forever. How do you come up with such nonsense?

then that's an equation

Yes that's it. They are to be treated equally. Still, I never claim that a Nintendo is a cell phone.

Schools yes, but the penal code is a federal matter!

However, you have linked the federal school regulations and not the StGB. The StGB is completely irrelevant here.

In the Bavarian constitution there's also the death penalty, but since federal law breaks state law, what the federal government says applies here, and therefore there's no death penalty in Bavaria either!

No, they only exist in the Hessian constitution. But that doesn't matter here either. We're not talking about criminal offenses, we're talking about school regulations.

Nice try!

I think your attempt is rather weak.


No, that is by no means the logical conclusion.

So, in the answer is before your comment (linked above) is:

that's not legally allowed, so she has to give it back to you on the day after school

Then you comment:

Such a decision does not exist.

Only court judgments are public! Disciplinary procedures and instructions from school supervisory authorities and school principals to individuals are rather not! So how do you come to the assertion that you can't and will not be able to substantiate?

And here a German youth judge gives information:

Do I have to hand in my cell phone & Co? Teachers are allowed to move in anything that disrupts lessons. But he may not keep it for longer than the respective hour. However, the teacher may request that your parents come to school and collect the confiscated item.

And how does a game console disrupt the class during break? And the respective hour will definitely not end years later!

We can therefore assume that the judiciary will take place in this sense, and that decisions will still exist!

Go home!


Only court judgments are public! Disciplinary procedures and instructions from school supervisory authorities and school principals to individuals are rather not! So how do you come to the assertion that you can't and will not be able to substantiate?

The answer asserts a general decision. A specific one would have no meaning here either. There's simply no such thing.

And here a German youth judge gives information:

A juvenile judge claims things about administrative law without naming any law for it. Great. And completely meaningless.

We can therefore assume that the judiciary will take place in this sense, and that decisions will still exist!

Nope, but feel free to quote a few of the alleged decision.

Go home!

Sweet. But nice that you've at least given up your criminal law nonsense.