Small survey ^^
Nintendo Direct has just announced a sequel to Zelda Breath of the Wild and would like to know if you are hyped and why. I'm definitely hyped, because I loved Breath of the Wild ^^
I'm not super-hyped yet, but it's super cool. However, the game is still in development, which means we will have to wait a very long time
I've never screamed as loud in my life as I did. I never expected that. NO WAY! I'm so hyped up for that! I just cried all the time 😂 but probably it will be 4 years or so out… Anyway, I'm VERY GEHYPT!
That makes a true Zelda fan 👌👍😂
I wanted to scream too.
And yes, unfortunately, I'm also afraid that it will take so long again.
I'm totally hyped but also a little worried. BotW has revolutionized a lot. What if it's not the same experience the second time around?
I just hope that they take all the time in the world and not hell-bent on getting it done this year, like Ubisoft with Assassin's Creed or GameFreak with Pokemon. If you spit the games down, the quality suffers. They should take their time. Mending things that were upgradeable in the first game (If fragile weapons, then you should at least double the end), incorporate new things, bring back things from older games that were missed by fans (fishing, diving, grappling hooks, etc. As a climbing relief ) and much more and above all more varied opponents and mazes.
I do not want to speculate on Zelda as a playable character, but at least there was something suspicious about her and Link traveling together. It would be nice though.
Oh wow, I'm so glad that last year I had a switch for Christmas, otherwise I would have to buy one at the latest when the game was released.
I'm afraid that this fear is justified 😯
We were, good thing takes a while 😊