Question about the Zelda game series?

- in Nintendo

I've never played a Zelda game before.

I would like to dig out the nintendo 64 again and then play Zelda Ocarina of time.

Is the title good to start with Zelda? Is there a chronological order at Zelda or does it matter which title I play first?


Yes, Ocarina of Time is good to start with.

Theoretically there's a chronological order, but I think you can play any Zelda without knowing what is going on in the other parts.


Many titles are good to start with. Ocarina of Time is one of them.

In theory there's a sequence, but it is semi relevant and you can only really understand the connections when you have played some titles


Ocarina of Time was also my first title after Breath of the Wild made my mouth water and I still didn't have a matching console (I bought a Wii you and the game on Ebay cheaply) and I really liked it, however I got the newer version for 3DS. The graphics are much nicer, although graphics shouldn't be the main reason for buying and the water temple offers some help to get to the water level regulators quite quickly. Without it, the temple is said to be a true maze and the original did not yet have these markings.