Witcher 3 for Playstation 4?

- in PlayStation

It should be my first Playstation 4 the next days.

So I have questions because The Witcher 3 will be my first game.

As I've heard, there are several 'types' of PS4, which affects storage space, etc. Could someone tell me what the 'styles' are all about and what the best for The Witcher 3?


Actually, all you need to know is that the Pro model has more power and often offers a higher resolution and / or frame rate.

The other models differ only slightly in storage space, design, volume and energy consumption.


So can I use all the models for the game?

I also heard that the pro model is supposed to cost more, but it's better too.


Yes, I wrote that only the pro model offers more power. Would advise urgently to the pro model. Unless you do not have a 4k TV / monitor. Since the advantage of a Pro would be quite small.


All right. That really helped me!

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