Stream on twitch Pixelated?

- in Twitch
Stream on twitch Pixelated

When I stream minecraft it is transmitted in 1080p60 on twitch, but it is always pixelated. What can I do that it looks normal


Wv Mbits upload do you have?

What graphics card do you have?

How high did you set the bit rate?

You could have answered these 3 simple questions like this ^^


Where do I see all this xD graphics card do I have GTX 1660


Are things that you have previously tested / adjusted.

If you don't even know that, you should first have a look at a tutorial on obs settings


What can I do that it looks normal

Name hardware
Call upload
Call settings


How high did you set the bit rate?

Why does everyone always think that it's just the bit rate? O_o…


Why do people only come up when I ask 3 simple questions.

It's just not because the bit rate is not unique

On top of that, I asked counter questions and made no guess what it could be

I mean you quote a question and make a statement out of it…


Your 3 questions are also unimportant, except for the question of the upload.
I have already asked the 3 basic questions.


If you think so, you really have no idea about OBS.

The graphics card and bit rate shouldn't be important?


You asked the same questions more vaguely

GPU is hardware.

Doesn't bring you any added value if he names his case, because that's hardware too.

Calling settings is just as imprecise

Settings? Where it saves the videos is also a setting and still not helpful

But sure you know better.


Okay, I think you should deal with the term hardware in the context of streaming more than let yourself be blinded by your unsatisfactory point of view.

You don't seem to know what you're giving of yourself, but the main thing is something. Your line "Settings? Where it saves the videos is amusing. Unfortunately, you can tell from this that you have neither read nor understood the question from the FS, since the subject of" recording "has no presence.

It is best to let the professionals or long-time experienced streamers take precedence. They can help the FS much better here. But thank you for your contribution.


You just said nothing about hardware related to streaming, I think you should find out what exactly hardware means

Professional? You have proven everything else with it