How does this hdd work?

- in Xbox

I found an old Hitachi hdd from 2008 and wanted to use it as an external hdd for my xbox one. However, I don't quite know how it works and it doesn't start either. Does anyone know how to get this to work?

Thanks in advance

How does this hdd work

This is still an old IDE / ATA hard drive.

I wouldn't use that anymore.


Didn't it start when the case was closed?

Two possibilities: housing electronics something defective or power supply or the hard drive itself


It looks like this is just an enclosure for an old IDE hard drive.

Maybe the case is broken, maybe the hard drive too.
Actually, you only need power & data:

The case here, for example, would be nothing else than yours.
I just want to be honest. You won't have fun with an old IDE hard drive connected via USB 2.0.


Has not been addressed even with the housing.


Yes, I just wanted to try out whether you can play a game properly


Ok thanks for your help


This is an IDE disk in a USB removable frame. On the left is a USB-B connector for data transfer and on the right the power supply.

With the right cables, it could work, provided the plate is still working.


If the plate is still working.

Or the case itself hasn't lost a shot.


Everything is possible. But I would also say that big tinkering is no longer worthwhile - the record is ~ 13 years old and thus far beyond its "suitability".


It will be too lame.

So if it doesn't work with the case, either the case is defective, in which case you have to get a new external IDE case, or the hard drive itself is over.

Which now, considering the age (IDE has not been used for over 10 years), would be no wonder.


If it's from 2008, it will probably use ATAPI 7, which limits the speed to 133MB / s. The internal HDD of your XBOX One is connected with SATA 3, so the limit is 6GBit / s = 750MB / s, so there's quite a difference. To just put some data on it, the speed probably wouldn't matter, but if you want to put games on it that you actually want to run from that disk, the old thing is going to get on your nerves.